Cigna Medicare Supplement Insurance


Grow your business with these pre-approved print and digital ads.

Cigna Medicare Supplement Prospecting Advertisements

To use the ads below, you must follow these instructions:

1.  Choose the ad(s) you would like to use, from the selection below.

Save the fillable postcard, print ad or email.

To customize the email, upload the HTML file to your email client or copy and paste the HTML code into an editor.

Before you hit “send” read this

Your emails must adhere to
CAN-SPAM Act guidelines

American Retirement Medicare Supplement

* Not approved for use in all states. Click here for a list of all approvals.

Cigna Health Medicare Supplement

Approved ads are not available at this time. Please check back soon.

Loyal American Medicare Supplement

Approved ads are not available at this time. Please check back soon.

2.  Customize your ad by including:

Agent name/Agency name



E-mail Address

No other information is permitted.

3.  Complete the record form and send it to us, along with a copy of your customized ad.

Fax it to 512.590.6046

Email it to

4.  Provide your finished piece to your email vendor or printer.