Father and daughter having quality time gardening

Accidents happen. Coverage helps.

Accident Expense insurance policies can help
individuals and families after an accident.
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Payments can help with medical bills and other expenses while they’re recovering, such as transportation, lawn care, childcare and more.1

  • Coverage starts paying immediately after the policy’s annual deductible amount is met.
  • Benefit amounts ranging from $2,500 to $25,0002 are paid, regardless of payouts from other insurance.
  • Customers can choose the annual deductible that fits their budget.
  • Covered services include: Ambulance, emergency care, drugs, surgery, tests and X-rays, major diagnostic exams, follow-up care services, durable medical equipment, prosthetic devices, rehabilitative therapy, accidental death & dismemberment.
  • Guaranteed renewable until age 80.3
  • Add these riders: Parent, Declining Deductible, Critical Illness and Vehicular Accidental Injury.4
Mother and daughter having quality time with skateboards

We encourage you to learn more about these important safety issues that may affect you and your family.

  • Overexertion. One of the top three causes of injury was overexertion.5
  • Distracted driving. Almost one in five crashes that injured someone involved distracted driving.6
  • Slips, trips, and falls. One in four older adults falls each year.6
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Check out our customizable Customer Proposal. You’ll find state-specific proposals at AgentView.

  1. Benefits received in excess of medical expenses may be considered taxable income. Customers should consult their tax advisor.
  2. Benefit amounts may vary by state.
  3. Before attaining the age of 80, policy cannot be canceled as long as customer pays the premium when due. The company reserves the right to increase premiums on a class basis.
  4. There will be a charge for each rider selected. Riders are not available in all states.
  5. Centers For Disease Control, (CDC), “10 Leading Causes of Non-Fatal Injury”, accessed 4/25/18. https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/pdf/leading_causes_of_nonfatal_injury_2015-a.pdf, 2015.
  6. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Safety Council, “June Is National Safety Month”, accessed 03/09/18. https://healthfinder.gov/NHO/Jun2Announce.aspx. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/, 2017.